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1mm x 12mm x 60m, white, high-performance double-sided foam bonding tape.

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Product Details

Product information

White, high-performance double-sided foam bonding tape.

  • Aluminium spacer profile bonding to glass.
  • Bonding of PVCu decorative trims.
  • External vehicle mirror assembly bonding.
  • Bonding plastic profiles (cable management).
  • Size: 1mm thick x 12mm wide x 60m long.

Bespoke sizes and bulk discounts available upon request.

Features and Benefits

  • Clean to use.
  • Pre-determined dimensional sealant reduces waste.
  • No known hazards associated with this product.
  • Resistance to abrasion, corrosion and moisture.
  • Very good ultraviolet {UV} light resistance.
  • Paper release liner, reducing dimensional change during application.
  • Good resistance to dilute acids and alkalis.
  • Coated on both sides with a high quality pressure sensitive acrylic adhesive.
  • Minimum 20% compression required to effect a water seal.